Category / Art Direction / Exhibition / Film
This film is part of a pilot creative heritage project about the Thames sailing barges called ‘Hulked’. The film is shot around and within the hulk of the Surrey barge which was left to rot on Glass Bottle Beach in Lower Halstow, Kent UK. The piece was conceived by Anna Braithwaite who also performed in…
During his year as Artist in Residence at Fort Burgoyne, for the Pioneering Places Year of Engagement, Matt Rowe developed a series of still and moving images that echo the atmosphere of the site. He has investigated aspects of the fort’s heritage by considering not only its role as a site of civil defence and military…
John Barleycorn Must Die
Sat 15thJune-Sun 25 Aug 2019 open Mon-Sat 9am-5pm,Sun 10am-4pm The exhibition brings together a collection of work by artist Matt Rowe and accompanying research materials gathered in collaboration with curator Laura Mansfield. The artefacts and artworks reflect upon the story and tradition of John Barleycorn. Appearing in a 17thCentury English folk song of the same…
Video Art Program[The 58th Program] Matt Rowe
October 24-, 2017-January 14, 2018Bad Omen, 2011, color, sound, 3min.58sec.Archipelago Ghillie, 2016, color, sound, 1min.32sec. The Light and Dark Lurking in the Commonplace As the title suggests, an ominous atmosphere pervades Bad Omen from beginning to end. In the first scene, an enigmatic figure covered with some sort of black material stands at the entrance of a…
Have a Nice Day
Matt Rowe’s latest installation for the Allotment project space transforms 9 Love Lane, Margate, into a site of spectral collapse. A Fluid mass of car lot bunting, seaside windmills and gold lamé hang beneath a reclaimed pub parasol.Rowe’s installation echoes the onslaught of winter and the annual demise of the English seaside resort.
Ghost Tide
The Ghost TideRob La Frenais, 2018 “You never know what the river will bring on the next tide. Nor do you know what secrets it holds, never to be revealed again.” That was the possibly fictional character of ‘Maeve’ of the ‘Redriff Society of Thames Sifters’ as described by Portals of London – a blog which made…
Tinitus Detritus
Davenport and Rowe’s work considers the motorway as a homogenized European landscape; A disorientating environment where cultural feedback occurs. Gesturing towards picturesque ideals, Rowe searches for a sense of romance along the transit routes northern Europe. His re-appropriation of motorway detritus into sculptural assemblages of specular effect, allude to a ritualistic function. Working with similarly inane…
Orlando Campbel | Pablo Griss | Diana Beltran Herrera | Andrew Lacon | Fabio Lattanzi Antinori | Matt Rowe | Janneke Van Leeuwen Reminiscent of social exclusivity, its association with gods, ancient rulers and nobility, the use of gold in art seems unsuited to the democratic, modern world, where it’s currency has been reduced to exactly…
Beyond Savage
Kate Knight and Matt Rowe present a series of works that expand on notions of Romanticism. Collaboratively their exhibition tracks anecdotal threads of the Romantic movement from its gothic origins to the present day. Matt Rowe’s installation presents a Chroma Key vista where fragments of sublime landmass, sculptural assemblage and lens-based media are combined. Rowe’s representations…
AIRM 2016 St Clement’s Church, Old Romney
‘No form of manufacturing had a greater impact upon the economy and society of medieval Europe than did those industries producing cloths from various kinds of wool’ Matt Rowe’s installation invites participants to simulate the atmospheric conditions of the Romney marsh wool growing region. Rowe has collected a series of field recordings and aural history’s…